Update 170410

In the first half of this list of Links you will find relevant Dutch-national links, most of them in Dutch. The second half contains information and links to websites abroad, mostly in English.

In het Engelstalige tweede deel van deze website vindt u onder 'Links' nuttige adressen in het buitenland en/of in het Engels.

Overzicht links

170410, Links Ned en Engels

In de eerste helft van deze lijst van ‘links’ vindt u nuttige adressen in Nederland en in het Nederlands, in de tweede helft in het buitenland en voornamelijk in het Engels.

Overzicht links

Website Rijksoverheid

o.a. opsomming van alle onderwerpen gesorteerd op thema http://www.rijksoverheid.nl/

Stichting Expertgroep Klokkenluiders

Raadpleeg voor alle Nieuwsbrieven de internetlink: http://expertgroepklokkenluiders.nl/nieuwsbrief/ www.expertgroepklokkenluiders.nl 

info@expertgroepklokkenluiders.nl Postadres Expertgroep  Klokkenluiders t.a.v. Secretariaat  p/a Postbus 400, 4100 AK CULEMBORG
Telefoon  013 – 26 00 147 (Secretariaat)  06 – 53 64 22 65  (Gerrit de Wit, voorzitter) Bezoekadres (bezoek alleen na telefonische afspraak) Vakbond De Unie Multatulilaan 12 4103 NM CULEMBORG


Overgenomen van Nieuwsbrief 2015 nr 1, Expertgroep Klokkenluiders: Stand van zaken wetgevingstraject ‘Huis voor Klokkenluiders’

Nadat in december 2013 de Tweede Kamer de Wet Huis voor Klokkenluiders had aangenomen stuitte het wetsvoorstel in mei 2014 op bezwaren in de Eerste Kamer, waardoor de behandeling van het wetsvoorstel werd aangehouden. Om aan de bezwaren van de Senaat tegemoet te komen is vervolgens door de initiatiefnemers het wetsvoorstel herzien (zogeheten ‘Novelle’) en ter advisering voorgelegd aan de Raad van State. Op 9 april 2015 is het gewijzigde wetsvoorstel, voorzien van het advies van de Raad van State, voor behandeling naar de Tweede Kamer gezonden. In 2016 is het wetsvoorstel in beide Kamers aangenomen.

De gewijzigde wet en alle overige relevante documenten van het wetgevingstraject vindt u terug op de website van de Expertgroep bij het onderdeel WETGEVING > WET HUIS VOOR KLOKKENLUIDERS / TOELICHTING WET HUIS VOOR KLOKKENLUIDERS. www.expertgroepklokkenluiders.nl


www.klokkenluiderspartij.nl --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Meldpunt Mores

Posted by Michel van Hulten on 2014/09/08 | 0 comments


Ervaart u gedrag van uw bank of andere financiële dienstverlener als onrechtvaardig? Meld dan hier uw klacht. Voor ondernemers en particulieren.

Melding plaatsen Wij spreken de financiële wereld aan op onaanvaardbaar gedrag waarvan klanten de dupe kunnen zijn.

Over ons Meldpunt Mores is een onafhankelijke stichting die maatschappelijk onaanvaardbaar gedrag van banken en andere financiële dienstverleners aan de orde stelt.

We zijn er voor particulieren en ondernemers, maar ook voor de financiële wereld. Ons belangrijkste doel: meer integriteit in de financiële sector.


Dit vergt een cultuurverandering. Meer openheid. Een serieuze behandeling van klachten. En vooral: het inzicht dat zowel banken als klanten gebaat zijn bij een integere financiële dienstverlening.


Transparency International Nederland http://www.transparency.nl/ Website van het ‘chapter’ en het Secretariaat dat ‘strijdt tegen corruptie in Nederland’ met o.a. doorverbinding naar

Transparency International Nederland is een vereniging en onderdeel van Transparency International, een wereldwijde niet-gouvernementele organisatie (NGO) die leiding geeft aan de inspanningen om integriteit, inzichtelijkheid en toerekenbaarheid te bevorderen en daarmee de corruptie in de wereld uit te bannen.

Transparency International werkt hiertoe onder andere samen met regeringen, het bedrijfsleven en het maatschappelijk middenveld. Doel: realisatie van effectieve wetgeving en beleid die de samenleving meer inzichtelijk en integer maken.

Jaarlijks publiceertTransparency International ondermeer het Global Corruption Report, de Corruption Perceptions Index en de Bribery Index.

TI-Nederland, 2015 rapport over lobbyen in Nederland http://www.transparency.nl/2015/04/lobbyen-in-nederland/


Bankenboeven.nl: een oplossing bestaat echt wel! http://bankenboeven.nl De Stichting Krediet Verdriet is verrast door het grote aantal positieve reacties en ingevulde formulieren die zij mocht ontvangen sinds de website bankenboeven.nl op 2 juni 2013 “de lucht in ging”. In tegenstelling tot hetgeen in enkele negatieve berichten en reacties wordt verondersteld, gaat de stichting uitermate zorgvuldig te werk met de aan haar verstrekte informatie en vindt er wel degelijk hoor en wederhoor plaats. Het verifiëren van de aangeboden informatie en dossiers vraagt de nodige aandacht en tijd. Tijd welke de stichting vanaf dag 1 volledig inzet in het actief behandelen en oplossen van de aangedragen problematiek. Contactgegevens: Stichting Krediet Verdriet Postbus 228,  6590 AE GENNEP Tel. 0487-820210 e-mail: info@bankenboeven.nl HR KvK 53069218 -------------------------------------------------

Bibliotheek, Koninklijke http://kranten.kb.nl/

Online krantenarchief Koninklijke Bibliotheek donderdag 22 november 2012 Het project Databank Digitale Dagbladen van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB) is na 6 jaar afgesloten. 8 miljoen krantenpagina's uit de periode 1618-1995 zijn doorzoekbaar gemaakt. De 8 miljoen krantenpagina's omvatten ongeveer 8 procent van wat er aan kranten is verschenen in de periode 1618-1995. De komende jaren wil de KB dat aantal nog uitbreiden tot 13 miljoen pagina's. Website De gedigitaliseerde kranten zijn in te zien en te doorzoeken via de speciale website kranten.kb.nl U vindt er kranten uit Nederland, Nederlands-Indië en West-Indië (Suriname en de Antillen). De website is sinds de lancering al twee miljoen keer gebruikt.


CAOP http://www.caop.nl/Het CAOP is het kennis- en dienstencentrum op het gebied van arbeidszaken in het publieke domein. Het CAOP adviseert en ondersteunt meer dan tweehonderd opdrachtgevers in onder andere de rijksoverheid, onderwijs en zorg. Met kennis van zaken en een hoge mate van professionaliteit is het CAOP uw partner bij het oplossen van uw arbeids(markt)vraagstukken.

BIOS http://www.integriteitoverheid.nl Lange Voorhout 13, 2514 EA Den Haag T. 070 - 376 5937  070 - 376 5937 info@integriteitoverheid.nl

Bureau Integriteitsbevordering Openbare Sector - BIOS, is een initiatief van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijkrelaties (BZK) en onderdeel van het CAOP. BIOS stimuleert en ondersteunt het publieke domein bij het voeren van integriteitsbeleid. Het zorgt voor actieve kennisdeling, onder meer via congressen en expertmeetings en door het aanbieden van integriteitsinstrumenten zoals risicoanalyses, dilemmatrainingen en opleidingen. BIOS is binnen Nederland aangewezen om de functie van National Integrity Office te vervullen. Een gevolg van het VN-verdrag uit 2003 UNCAC - UN Convention Against Corruption (VN verdrag ter bestrijding van corruptie).

BING – Bureau Integriteit bv van VNG Diensten bv (BING is de werknaam van Bureau Integriteit BV, een initiatief van de VNG). www.bureauintegriteit.nl

BING vervult een rol in het verder vorm en inhoud geven van het integriteitbeleid dat door lokale overheden zelf, hun koepelorganisaties en de rijksoverheid al voor een deel is geformuleerd. BING stelt zich daarbij op als deskundig partner van haar opdrachtgevers. Preventief integriteitbeleid is daarbij de insteek met een adequaat onderzoeksinstrument voor als het toch fout mocht gaan. BING kan een wezenlijke bijdrage leveren aan de integriteit van de (lokale) overheid. ----------------------------------------------------------


Het Centre for Public Values & Ethics (CPVE) is een academisch kennis- en onderzoekscentrum binnen het Instituut Bestuurskunde in de Faculteit Campus Den Haag van de Universiteit Leiden. Doel van het CPVE is het verrichten en verspreiden van wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar waardegeladen vraagstukken in het openbaar bestuur, in het bijzonder de ethiek van de publieke ambtsvervulling. Het onderzoek bestrijkt de hele publieke en semi-publieke sector (inclusief het politieke bedrijf). Het CPVE streeft naar interdisciplinariteit door het verenigen van inzichten uit verschillende invalshoeken zoals publiek management, politicologie, geschiedenis, ethiek en dergelijke. Het CPVE heeft een internationale oriëntatie: onderzoek en de verspreiding van kennis beperken zich niet tot Nederland, maar zijn ook gericht op het buitenland. Het CPVE maakt deel uit van internationale netwerken en is Nederlands aanspreekpunt voor buitenlandse collega’s.

Contact Dr. A.D.N. (Toon) Kerkhoff, +31 (0)71 527 3707, tkerkhoff@fsw.leidenuniv.nl

Dr. P. (Patrick) Overeem, +31 (0)71 527 3742, overeem@fsw.leidenuniv.nl Postadres: Centre for Public Values & Ethics Instituut Bestuurskunde, Universiteit Leiden Postbus 13228, 2501 EE Den Haag Bezoekadres: Schouwburgstraat 2, 2511 VA Den Haag http://www.fsw.leidenuniv.nl/bestuurskunde/onderzoek/centre-for-public-values-ethics.html


Follow the money, Onderzoeksjournalistiek (Nederlandstalig) http://www.ftm.nl/over-ftm/

Over FTM [ingekorte tekst gehaald van de FTM-website] Follow the Money is het eerste onafhankelijke multimediale platform voor onderzoeksjournalistiek in Nederland. Diepgravende journalistiek, waar mogelijk met maximale impact via bestaande kwaliteitsmedia en natuurlijk via onze eigen website. Follow the Money heeft de ambitie om in de komende jaren verder uit te groeien tot een zeer voorname leverancier van onderzoeks-journalistiek in Nederland (online, televisie en print), en daarmee ook tot erkend kwaliteitsmerk.

Follow the Money wil een verschil maken door zowel te breken als te bouwen. We willen mensen door middel van journalistiek weer een handelingsperspectief bieden. Als bedrijf én beweging. En dit is waar wij als bedrijf en beweging voor staan:

Visie Waarheidsvinding en duiding door onafhankelijke diepgravende journalistiek is niet alleen een onmisbaar onderdeel van onze democratie, de kracht van de onthulling gecombineerd met de belofte van mogelijke verbetering en innovatie kan zaken in beweging zetten en ten goede keren.

Missie We streven met een optimistische instelling naar rechtvaardigheid en transparantie in een wereld met schaarse en ongelijk verdeelde rijkdommen waar alles om geld draait. We controleren de macht door geldstromen te volgen, stellen problemen en misstanden in de samenleving aan de kaak, leggen complexe verbanden bloot en dragen oplossingen aan. Bij die zoektocht naar waarheid en in ons streven naar rechtvaardigheid betrekken we onze lezers. Gezamenlijk leveren we een bijdrage aan het herstel van het moreel kompas en helpen we de wereld in positieve zin te veranderen.

Contact: Sinds 1 april 2015 is Follow the Money gehuisvest in BounceSpace, Overtoom 141. Op dit moment hebben we helaas nog geen vast telefoonnummer. Wie contact zoekt met een van de redacteuren kan dat doen via het email-adres van de desbetreffende redacteur (zie auteursprofiel). Voor Follow the Money algemeen mailt u naar info [at] ftm.nl.


Governance & Integrity Nederland B.V. www.gi-nederland.com quote De missie van Governance & Integrity Nederland is het versterken van gerechtigheid in de Nederlandse overheid en organisaties met een publieke taak. Een integraal en samenhangend integriteitsbeleid zorgt er uiteindelijk voor dat de organisatie recht doet aan de mensen en organisaties waarmee en waarvoor zij werkt. Daarnaast neemt het aantal integriteitsschendingen af en neemt het percentage meldingen van schendingen toe. Bovendien wordt het vertrouwen vergroot, zowel dat van de burger in de overheid, als ook dat tussen de medewerkers onderling. unquote Postadres: Westzijde 78, 1506 EG  ZAANDAM Secretariaat: Telefoon:  088 7000400 (bereikbaar van 09.00 tot 13.00 uur) Directeur: Dorien Jeltema Telefoon: 088 7000444 E-mail: d.jeltema@gi-nederland.com


Overheid www.overheid.nl Initiatief van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken. Verwijzingen naar landelijke, lokale en internationale overheidsinstellingen. De wegwijzer naar informatie en diensten van alle overheden.

Overheidsintegriteit http://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/kwaliteit-en-integriteit-overheidsinstanties

De overheid vindt het belangrijk dat burgers weten wat ze van de overheid kunnen verwachten. Daarom hebben veel overheidsorganisaties servicenormen. Hierin staan bijvoorbeeld de openingstijden en de klachtenprocedure. Gedragscodes vertellen hoe bestuurders horen te werken. Burgers kunnen de overheid hierop aanspreken. Als de overheid te laat een besluit neemt, hebben burgers in sommige gevallen recht op een dwangsom. Zie hier o.a. de Gedragscode openbaar bestuur, Integriteit overheid, Klokkenluiders, Wet openbaarheid van Bestuur (Wob).


Tweede Kamer www.tweedekamer.nl

met agenda, Ledenlijst en Kamerstukken en → zoeken naar Kamerstukken.


Eerste Kamer


met o.a. parlementaire Europapoort, http://www.eerstekamer.nl/eumobiel/


Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties


(deels in Engels, Papiamento/u)

→ Overheidspersoneel → Integriteit

→ Openbaar Bestuur → Integriteit

→ De Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba → Goed Bestuur

→ Grondwet en Democratie → Openbaarheid (WOB)

Ook toegang tot beleidsdocumenten en Kamer-vragen en -antwoorden over ‘integriteit’.




‘Self-assessment integriteit’ (SAINT) is een instrument dat overheidsorganisaties kunnen gebruiken om hun organisatie tijdens een workshop door te lichten op integriteitsrisico's. Dit instrument is tot stand gekomen in een samenwerkings-project van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties, het Bureau Integriteit van de gemeente Amsterdam en de Algemene Rekenkamer.


Ministerie van Defensie

→ Service → Zaken doen → leveranciers

→ Aanbestedingen http://git.ovia.nl/html/nieuw.html → Bao → nieuw


Ook Defensie is verplicht zich te houden aan de Europese aanbestedingsregels, vastgelegd in het Bao-Besluit aanbestedingsregels overheidsopdrachten, welke de toepasselijke drempelbedragen overschrijden. Die regels gelden niet voor opdrachten die expliciet van de werking van het Bao zijn uitgesloten, o.a. arbeidsovereenkomsten, geheim verklaarde opdrachten, en opdrachten voor specifiek militaire producten en diensten die vallen onder artikel 296 van het EG-verdrag. Naast deze regels gelden de algemene beginselen: gelijke behandeling, transparantie, non-discriminatie, objectiviteit en vertrouwelijkheid. De drempelbedragen verschillen per soort opdracht (werken, leveringen en diensten).

Voor Bao en drempelbedragen raadpleeg de internetsite van het ministerie van Economische Zaken, zie hierna. [/one_half]

[one_half_last] Aanbesteden

Europees aanbesteden moet worden aangekondigd, zie

  • De Aanbestedingskalender: www.aanbestedingskalender.nl.
  • Het Supplement bij het Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie van de Tenders Electronic Daily (TED): www.ted.europa.eu.
  • Bij opdrachten voor specifiek militaire producten en diensten (volgens artikel 296 van het EG-verdrag), geldt voor Defensie de gedragscode van het EDA-Europees Defensie Agentschap, zie www.eda.europa.eu.


Ministerie van Economische Zaken



→ Aanbesteden, zie ook eindrapport Aanbesteden in Europa, Een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek naar de aanbestedingsregelgeving in 14 EU-lidstaten, zie http://www.ez.nl/dsc?c=getobject&s=obj&objectid=145170&!dsname=EZInternet


nieuwe Aanbestedingswet, houdende regels omtrent het gunnen van overheidsopdrachten door aanbestedende diensten en opdrachten door speciale sectorbedrijven%0











[In the first half of this list of links (see above) you will find relevant links in Dutch and for Dutch relations. This second part enumerates foreign links that might be useful for someone working, in particular in the Netherlands, on corruption.

List of Links (English) 2015, see full details below after the list)

Bribery Act 2010 (UK), and Guidance to the Bribery Act

Bribery Act 2010 (UK), and  Guidance to the Bribery Act

  • CIPE – Center for International Private Enterprise
  • Citizen House (European Civil Society House)
  • Committee to Protect Journalists (USA)
  • Common Cause (USA)
  • Corporate Europe Observatory (NGO)
  • Democracy21 (USA)
  • EAGLE – Law enforcement (formerly LAGA)
  • EGPA – European Group for Public Administration
  • EPAC – European Partners Against Corruption (Police)
  • EU and Civil Society (Transparency Register)
  • EU and lobbying
  • EU third directive on money laundering and terrorist financing
  • European Observatory
  • Financial Action Task force (FATF)
  • First Arab portal on transparency and anti-corruption
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
  • the FCPA blog
  • GAP – Government Accountability Project (USA) for whistleblowers act and protection
  • Global Financial Integrity
  • Global Witness
  • GRECO (Group of States against Corruption) branch of Council of Europe, Strasbourg
  • Hochschulwatch (Companies pay University Research) in German
  • International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI)
  • ICIJ, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
  • Integrity Watch (EU-Parliament)
  • I paid a bribe (an Indian website, contains also a section ‘I did not pay a bribe’.)
  • National Fraud Authority (UK)
  • Nolan principles (UK, original 1995)
  • OCCRP, investigative reporting
  • Offshore leaks
  • Open Secrets, Center for Responsive Politics (USA)
  • OECD
  • Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (from the Balkans and the Baltic to Kamsjatka)
  • Propublica, Journalism in the Public Interest
  • Public Concern at Work, see below under ‘whistleblowers’
  • the Real News, a daily newsletter, no advertising, no government or corporate funding
  • Romania, CVM – Cooperation and Verification Mechanism
  • Serious Fraud Office (UK)
  • Swiss, Money Laundering Reporting Office Switzerland (MROS)
  • Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development
  • Transparency International (Berlin)
  • UNODC – UN Office on Drugs and Crime
  • Whistleblowers consumers/food
  • Whistleblowers (UK) Public Concern at Work
  • Whistleblowers UK (WBUK)
  • Whistleblowers (USA)
  • Whistleblowing Network
  • Wolfsberg Principle
  • World Compliance

Some interesting country-websites –         Madagascar –         Kenya –         Burkina Faso –         South Korea –         Cameroon


Bribery Act 2010(UK)


The Bribery Act applies to UK citizens, residents and companies established under UK law. In addition, non-UK companies can be held liable for a failure to prevent bribery if they do business in the UK.


Guidance to the Bribery Act:


The guidance is designed to be of general application and is formulated around six guiding principles, each followed by commentary and examples. The guidance is not prescriptive and is not a one-size-fits-all document. […]The language used in this guidance reflects its non-prescriptive nature. The six principles are intended to be of general application and are therefore expressed in neutral but affirmative language. The commentary following each of the principles is expressed more broadly.


CIPE – Center for International Private Enterprise http://www.cipe.org/

The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) strengthens democracy around the globe through private enterprise and market-oriented reform. CIPE is one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy and an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Since 1983, CIPE has worked with business leaders, policymakers, and journalists to build the civic institutions vital to a democratic society. CIPE’s key program areas include anti-corruption, advocacy, business associations, corporate governance, democratic governance, access to information, the informal sector and property rights, and women and youth.

1155 15th Street NW | Suite 700 | Washington, DC 20005 ph: +1-202 7219200 | fax: +1-202 7219250 | www.cipe.org | cipe@cipe.org


Citizen House (European Civil Society House) http://www.citizenhouse.eu/index

The one stop shop to help you claim your European Rights from you to EU.

Access to Documents of the European Institutions Legal Basis: Article 15 paragraph 3 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (former art. 255 TEC) Regulation 1049/2001 was further adopted regarding public access to documents of the European Parliament, Council and the Commission. It requires each of these institutions to set up a register to allow easier access for all citizens. Year of establishment: This right was introduced in 1993 by the Treaty on European Union. Some statistics: In 2009 Parliament allowed full access to documents in 88% of cases, the Commission in 84.23% and the Council in 70.5%. The exception most used to deny access to documents was the protection of the decision making process. Are you interested in discovering the reason behind a decision of an EU institution or conducting research of your own? Then accessing documents of the European Institutions, bodies, offices or agencies may be the perfect instrument for you to enforce your European rights and find the answers you have been searching for.


Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) 330 7th Avenue, 11th Floor,  New York, NY 10001, USA www.cpj.org, info@cpj.org Tel +1 212-465-1004, Fax +1 212-465-9568

CPJ promotes press freedom worldwide and defends the right of journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal. CPJ ensures the free flow of news and commentary by taking action wherever journalists are attacked, imprisoned, killed, kidnapped, threatened, censored, or harassed.


Common Cause


Common Cause is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to restoring the core values of American democracy, reinventing an open, honest and accountable government that serves the public interest, and empowering ordinary people to make their voices heard in the political process.

In this spirit, Common Cause serves as an independent voice for change and a watchdog against corruption and abuse of power. Together with her sister organization, the Common Cause Education Fund, she is a powerful combination of grassroots organizing, coalition building, research, policy development, public education, lobbying and litigation to win reform at all levels of government.


Corporate Europe Observatory


Exposing the power of corporate lobbying in the EU. (NGO)

Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) is a research and campaign group working to expose and challenge the privileged access and influence enjoyed by corporations and their lobby groups in EU policy making.

CEO doesn’t receive any EU or member state government funding.


Democracy21 http://www.democracy21.org , info@democracy21.org tel. 001 (202) 355 9600

Democracy 21 is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to making democracy work for all Americans. Democracy 21, and its education arm, Democracy 21 Education Fund, work to eliminate the undue influence of big money in American politics, prevent government corruption, empower citizens in the political process and ensure the integrity and fairness of government decisions and elections. The organization promotes campaign finance reform and other related political reforms to accomplish these goals.


EAGLE – Law Enforcement 150508: http://www.eagle-enforcement.org/

We have a new website ! EAGLE Network – Eco Activists for Governance and Law Enforcement


EPAC European Partners Against Corruption (EPAC) is an informal network composed of 61 national Police Oversight Bodies (POBs) and Anti-Corruption Authorities (ACAs) from European Union and Council of Europe Member Countries. The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) is also a member of EPAC, while Kosovo enjoys observer status. The network is broad in scope, bringing together authorities and units of diverse origin, different kinds of competences, and varied legal forms.

Through www.EPAC.at → Downloads: many documents regarding the fight against corruption are easy in reach, among others UN Conventions, Declarations and Resolutions, INTERPOL Global Standards to combat corruption, TI-reports, OECD Convention and Recommendations, Council of Europe and GRECO conventions, Resolutions and Documents, EU and EPAC documents.

Through www.EPAC.at → Links: it is also easy to get access to various anti-corruption websites.



EGPA-European Group for Public Administration


EGPA – European Group for Public Administration is a Regional Group of IIAS – the International Institute of Administrative Sciences whose purpose is to strengthen contacts and exchanges among European specialists in Public Administration, both scholars and practitioners.


EU and Civil Society (Transparency Register)


Press release:

< Commission and European Parliament launch Joint Transparency Register to shed light on all those seeking to influence European policy >

Brussels, 23 June 2011 – In an effort to give a further boost to the transparency of the EU’s decision-making process, the European Parliament and the European Commission are today launching a joint, public Transparency Register which provides more information than ever before on those who seek to influence European policy.

The new Register replaces the one set up by the Commission in 2008, which already contains more than 4.000 organizations. These will be gradually transferred to the Joint Transparency Register over the coming 12 months. It also extends its coverage well beyond traditional lobbyists to include law firms, NGOs, think tanks – indeed any organization or self-employed individual engaged in influencing EU policy making and implementation. This is a key step towards the EU’s goal of a more participatory democracy.

Registrants will also have to provide more information than before, such as the number of staff involved in advocacy, the main legislative proposals they have covered, as well as the amount of EU funding they received.

By signing up to the Transparency Register, organizations will commit to a Common Code of Conduct pledging, for example, always to identify themselves by name and the entity they work for, and not to obtain information dishonestly. A complaint mechanism and measures to be applied are also outlined for those who break the Code of Conduct.

The Transparency Register website: http://europa.eu/transparency-register MEMO/11/446


EU and lobbying

http://www.eulobbytours.org/ Attracted by the increased powers of the European Commission, Parliament and other EU institutions, thousands of lobbyists have set up shop in the European quarter in EU capital Brussels. While estimates vary, the number of professional lobbyists has long passed 10,000, of which a large majority promotes the interests of big business. Spending on corporate lobbying in Brussels is estimated to be up to 1 billion euro per year.

There are widespread concerns that the growing influence of corporate lobbyists endangers social and environmental protection, and more generally, democracy in Europe. Compared to other major power hubs like Washington D.C. and Ottawa where disclosure laws are in place, corporate lobbying in Brussels remains deeply un-transparent. This has led to intense debate and calls for EU rules to improve transparency and ethics in lobbying. Go to the website and take the tour!



EU third directive on money laundering and terrorist financing


The directive is designed to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing through the financial system. What is defined as terrorist financing and money laundering?


FATF – Financial Action Task force


The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental body whose purpose is the development and promotion of policies, both at national and international levels, to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. The Task Force is therefore a “policy-making body” which works to generate the necessary political will to bring about national legislative and regulatory reforms in these areas.

The FATF monitors members’ progress in implementing necessary measures, reviews money laundering and terrorist financing techniques and counter-measures, and promotes the adoption and implementation of appropriate measures globally. In performing these activities, the FATF collaborates with other international bodies involved in combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

The FATF does not have a tightly defined constitution or an unlimited life span. The Task Force reviews its mission every five years. The FATF has been in existence since 1989. In 2004, Ministry representatives from the 35 FATF members agreed to extend the mandate of the Task Force until 2012. This 8-year mandate demonstrates that members of the FATF remain united in their commitment to combat terrorism and international crime, and is a sign of their confidence in the FATf as an important instrument in that fight.

40 Recommendations on money laundering:


Nine special recommendations on terrorist financing:




FCPA – Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (USA)


The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is a federal law enacted in 1977 which prohibits companies from paying bribes to foreign government officials and political figures for the purpose of obtaining business. Enforcement of the regulation has increased dramatically in the past three years. There are two provisions to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. First, the anti-bribery provisions which are enforced by the Department of Justice and second, the accounting provisions which are enforced by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

There are three types of entities prohibited from making improper payments Issuers, domestic concerns, foreign nationals and businesses.


The FCPA Blog

The World’s Biggest Anti-Corruption Compliance Portal – www.fcpablog.com


These FCPA lists are really hot

By Richard L. Cassin | Wednesday, July 30, 2014 at 10:58AM

Click on the Archive tab in the top menu of the FCPA Blog to find Our Lists. Included there are FCPA enforcement actions, corporate investigations, the country count for investigations, our current top ten lists, Dean Tillipman’s resources, and more. http://www.fcpablog.com/blog/2014/7/30/these-fcpa-lists-are-really-hot.html


First Arab portal on transparency and anti-corruption Wed, 25/02/2015 – 11:51 See Egypt Independent. Go to http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/first-arab-portal-transparency-and-anti-corruption-launched One World Foundation has launched a website it says is the first in the Middle East and North Africa to focus on news and research related to anti-corruption and transparency.

The Arab Integrity Gate comes as part of OWF’s program for transparency and integrity, serving as a reservoir for academics, experts and activists in those two fields, according to the foundation, which explained it developed the gate given the absence of portals specialized in relevant studies and resources. It said the new portal could help unify the efforts of concerned research centers and NGOs. The organization invites academics and all activists interested in combating corruption to submit their research to the foundation.


GAP – Government Accountability Project (USA), whistleblower acts and protection http://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/6319/thankYou.jsp

‘GAP’s mission is to promote corporate and government accountability by protecting whistleblowers, advancing occupational free speech, and empowering citizen activists. GAP has been the nation’s leading whistleblower protection and advocacy organization since 1977.

The Government Accountability Project, 1612 K Street NW, Washington DC 20006

See the website:  http://bankwhistleblower.org/ and go through this link to – 13 Essential Survival Tips for whistleblowers, – Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Protections, – Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Protections, – Filing a complaint with the DOL – Department of Labor, – The Corporate Whistleblower’s Survival Kit.

(October 6, 2012) GAP and other groups have started a Know Your Rights campaign to spread the word. See the 13 Essential Survival Tips. GAP never solicits whistleblowing. GAP informs whistleblowers what their rights are, and in personal communications (if clients), what they can achieve by coming forward. GAP also details what they can expect in terms of retaliation. Several federal whistleblower protection laws apply to financial industry whistleblowers. (1) Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. Just a few of the protections that this groundbreaking law offers whistleblowers include: – Allowing whistleblowers to report wrongdoing directly to the SEC – not requiring employees to first approach their own corrupt companies. – Making illegal any action taken by employers against employees in retaliation for approaching the SEC or in working with investigators. – Providing protections for employees who disclose wrongdoing at subsidiaries, not just publically traded parent companies. – Implementing a reward program for individuals whose original evidence leads to successful enforcement action by the SEC yielding monetary sanctions of over $1 million. (2) Sarbanes-Oxley Whistleblower Protections In 2002, after the colossal failures of both Enron and WorldCom, Congress decided to take action to restore faith in the economy. The result was the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), which, logically, included whistleblower protections for corporate workers.  Specifically, whistleblowers who are employees of publicly-traded companies are covered by these landmark protections, if they are retaliated against for reporting other violations under SOX. Filing a Complaint with the DOL (US Department of Labor) Anyone discriminated against for whistleblowing in violation of either the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) or the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act, can file a complaint with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) within the US Department of Labor.


Global Financial Integrity


Global Financial Integrity (GFI) is a Washington, DC-based research and advocacy organization which promotes transparency in the international financial system.

[see also below under Task Force].

1319 18th St. NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036 USA | Tel: +1 (202) 293-0740 | Fax. +1 (202) 293-1720 | E-mail gfi@gfintegrity.org


Global Witness www.globalwitness.org

Global Witness investigates and campaigns to prevent natural resource related conflict and corruption, and associated environmental and human rights abuses. From undercover investigations, to high level lobby meetings, GW aims to engage on every level where she might make a difference and bring about change.

Fighting corruption Corruption blights millions of lives by diverting vast sums of money earned from a country’s natural resources away from its rightful owners – the citizens of that country. Global Witness campaigns to prevent companies, governments and the international financial system from facilitating corruption on a grand scale.

Conflict Global Witness campaigns to break the links between natural resources, armed conflict, and human rights abuses and covers a range of countries that are affected by or are emerging from violent instability.

Environmental Governance Forests and land are the planet’s finite resources.  Yet 80% of the world’s tropical forests have been depleted or entirely destroyed and a quarter of the planet’s land has been degraded by deforestation, over-exploitation, industrial activities, and over-grazing.  As demand for resources increases and the planet’s population continues to grow, it is vital that that we take better care of what we have got.

Maximising accountability and transparency Commercial deals in the natural resource sector have commonly been covered by a blanket of opacity that prevents citizens from seeing clearly how the deals are being done or who is really benefitting.  Global Witness is working to roll this back so that citizens can hold to account governments and industry in resource-rich countries.


GRECO Groupe d’Etats du Conseil de l’Europe contre la corruption (Group of States against Corruption) branch of Council of Europe, Strasbourg http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/monitoring/greco/default_en.asp

The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) was established in 1999 by the Council of Europe to monitor States’ compliance with the organisation’s anti-corruption standards. GRECO’s objective is to improve the capacity of its members to fight corruption by monitoring their compliance with Council of Europe anti-corruption standards through a dynamic process of mutual evaluation and peer pressure. It helps to identify deficiencies in national anti-corruption policies, prompting the necessary legislative, institutional and practical reforms. GRECO also provides a platform for the sharing of best practice in the prevention and detection of corruption.


Hochschulwatch (Companies finance University Research) https://www.hochschulwatch.de/wiki/Hauptseite

Site is in German How is this in Dutch and other non-German universities?


International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org http://ati.publishwhatyoufund.org/ [Aid Transparency Index 2014]

IATI is a voluntary multi-stakeholder initiative that seeks to increase donors’ aid transparency in order to maximise the effectiveness of aid in reducing poverty. Through consultation with donors, partner countries, CSOs and independent experts, IATI has developed a global open data standard that makes information about aid spending easier to access, compare, use and understand.

Research shows that developing countries and their citizens face huge challenges in accessing information about current aid flows and activities. IATI aims to address these challenges. IATI allows for those involved in aid programmes to better track what aid is being used for and what it is achieving. This stretches from taxpayers in donor countries, to those in developing countries who benefit from aid. Improving transparency also helps governments in developing countries manage aid more effectively. This means that each dollar will go as far as possible towards fighting poverty.


ICIJ International Consortium of Investigative Journalists http://www.icij.org

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists is an active global network of 160 reporters in more than 60 countries who collaborate on in-depth investigative stories.

Founded in 1997, ICIJ was launched as a project of the Center for Public Integrity to extend the Center’s style of watchdog journalism, focusing on issues that do not stop at national frontiers: cross-border crime, corruption, and the accountability of power. Backed by the Center and its computer-assisted reporting specialists, public records experts, fact-checkers and lawyers, ICIJ reporters and editors provide real-time resources and state-of-the-art tools and techniques to journalists around the world.


Integrity Watch (EU-Parliament)

Ever felt the urge to find out how much your MEP earns from activities outside the European Parliament? Fear not, for help is at hand. The pressure group Transparency International has collated information made available by the parliament, and put it all together on a user-friendly website: http://www.integritywatch.eu/


I paid a bribe (a website from India, see also the section ‘I did not pay a bribe’) Do you think CORRUPTION is corroding our country? Your data will help to change the system

Your bribe story can help others. Act NOW! Go to:  http://www.ipaidabribe.com/


National Fraud Authority (UK)


See also Annual Fraud Indicator

The National Fraud Authority works with the counter-fraud community to make fraud more difficult to commit in and against the UK.


Nolan principles (UK, original from 1995)

http://www.public-standards.gov.uk/ http://www.archive.official-documents.co.uk/document/parlment/nolan/nolan.htm

Summary of the Nolan Committee’s First Report on Standards in Public Life

At the request of the Prime Minister, the Nolan Committee has spent six months inquiring into standards in British public life. We have concentrated on Members of Parliament, Ministers and Civil Servants, executive Quangos and NHS bodies. We cannot say conclusively that standards of behaviour in public life have declined. We can say that conduct in public life is more rigorously scrutinised than it was in the past, that the standards which the public demands remain high, and that the great majority of people in public life meet those high standards. […] This leaflet summarises the Committee’s unanimous conclusions and lists its recommendations.


OCCRP https://reportingproject.net/occrp/index.php/en/about-us/about-us is an award winning consortium of 19 commercial and non-profit investigative centers and hundreds of journalists spanning from Europe to Central Asia.  Founded in 2006, its centers work together on cross-border investigative reporting projects spanning the world.  OCCRP is probably the world’s largest investigative reporting organization by active reporters and stories produced. OCCRP, a non-profit, has innovative programs in Europe, Eurasia, North Africa and Latin America working in investigative reporting, crime and corruption issues and new technology.  It is funded by the Open Society Foundations, the United States Agency for International Development, the National Endowment for Democracy and other donors.  It developed the Investigative Dashboard, a leading tool for online investigative reporting, with Google Ideas.  This year, OCCRP was a winner or finalist in five international awards including the Global Shining Light Award and the Daniel Pearl Award for investigative reporting. Each year, OCCRP’s more than 140 reporters vote for the person of the year award.

For more information, contact: Paul Radu, OCCRP Executive Director Drew Sullivan, OCCRP Editor



Offshore leaks http://offshoreleaks.icij.org/ Data of more than 120.000 enterprises in tax havens are publicly known since  15 June 2013, 4.00 uur, go to  (http://offshoreleaks.icij.org/), With these so-called ‘offshore-leaks’ made journalists in past months around the world known how politician, businessmen and rich families make use of business-like constructions for tax-evasion and tax withholding in tax-paradises.



Glossary Corruption. Istanbul Action Plan – Least developed countries. A comparative analysis of OECD, CoE and UNCAC anti-corruption conventions



This Glossary explains the key elements required to classify corruption as a criminal act, according to three major international conventions: (1) the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions; (2) the Council of Europe’s Criminal Law Convention on Corruption; and (3) the United Nation’s Convention against Corruption.

The Glossary examines and elaborates on the requirements of the conventions and explains how they can be effectively introduced into the national legislation. The Glossary is also a practical tool for monitoring country compliance with the international anti-corruption conventions, as well as raising awareness of these conventions.

Also available in French.




Open Secrets, Center for Responsive Politics (USA)

http://www.opensecrets.orgor write to press@crp.org

The Center for Responsive Politics tracks money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. Nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit, the organization aims to create a more educated voter, an involved citizenry and a more transparent and responsive government. In short, the Center’s mission is to: – Inform citizens about how money in politics affects their lives

– Empower voters and activists by providing unbiased information

– Advocate for a transparent and responsive government

The website OpenSecrets.org, is the most comprehensive resource for federal campaign contributions, lobbying data and analysis available anywhere. The Center relies on financial support from a combination of foundation grants, individual contributions and income earned from custom research and licensing data for commercial use. The Center accepts no contributions from businesses, labor unions or trade associations.


The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) https://reportingproject.net/occrp/index.php/en/about-us/about-us is a not-for-profit, joint program of a number of regional non-profit investigative centers and for profit independent media stretching from Eastern Europe to Central Asia.

The members of OCCRP include:

  • The Center for Investigative Reporting in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Rise Project Romania
  • The Bulgarian Investigative Journalism Center
  • The Center for Investigative Reporting in Serbia
  • Novaya Gazeta in Russia
  • The Kyiv Post
  • HETQ (Armenian Investigative Journalists) in Armenia
  • re:Baltica in Latvia
  • Atlatszo.hu in Hungary
  • SCOOP-Macedonia
  • MANS in Montenegro (research partner)
  • Liberali and Studio Monitor in Georgia
  • A network of individual investigative journalists and media from Eastern Europe to Central Asia.
  • Ceske Centrum Pro Investigativni Zurnalistiku in Czech Republic
  • BIRN Kosovo
  • Bivol.bg (Bulgaria)
  • Slidstvo Ukraine


Our goal is to help the people of the region better understand how organized crime and corruption affect their lives.

OCCRP seeks to provide in-depth investigative stories as well as the latest news pertaining to organized crime and

corruption activities in the region. In addition to the stories, OCCRP is building an online resource center of documents

related to organized crime including court records, laws, reports, studies, company records and other public documents

that will be an invaluable resource center for journalists and the public alike.


The OCCRP project has been, or is, supported by grants from the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF), the United States

Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Open Society Foundations. Also on this site are projects funded in

part or done in partnership with other organizations including SCOOP, the Center for Public Integrity (CPI) and the

International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).


OCCRP has been awarded numerous awards since it was founded in 2007. The program's first project on energy traders, in

cooperation with SCOOP, was awarded the Global Network of Investigative Journalists Global Shining Light Award for

investigative journalism under duress. ICIJ and reporters from OCCRP worked together on a project on tobacco smuggling

that won numerous awards including the Tom Renner Award for Crime Reporting from Investigative Reporters and Editors

and the Overseas Press Club Award. A story done in cooperation with CIN in Sarajevo won an Online Journalism Award for

investigative reporting. OCCRP’s stories have twice been finalists for the Daniel Pearl Award for international reporting

and OCCRP’s story on offshore registration agents won the prize in 2011.


OCCRP is a registered name of the Journalism Development Network, a Maryland-based charitable organization (501(c)3).



Propublica, Journalism in the Public Interest http://www.propublica.org

ProPublica is an independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest. Our work focuses exclusively on truly important stories, stories with “moral force.” We do this by producing journalism that shines a light on exploitation of the weak by the strong and on the failures of those with power to vindicate the trust placed in them.

Investigative journalism is at risk. Many news organizations have increasingly come to see is as a luxury. Today’s investigative reporters lack resources: Time and budget constraints are curbing the ability of journalists not specifically designated “investigative” to do this kind of reporting in addition to their regular beats. New models are, therefore, necessary to carry forward some of the great work of journalism in the public interest that is such an integral part of self-government, and thus an important bulwark of our democracy.

ProPublica was founded by Paul Steiger, the former managing editor of The Wall Street Journal. It is now led by Stephen Engelberg, a former managing editor of The Oregonian, Portland, Oregon and former investigative editor of The New York Times, and Richard Tofel, the former assistant publisher of The Wall Street Journal.

ProPublica is headquartered in Manhattan. Its establishment was announced in October 2007. Operations commenced in January 2008, and publishing began in June 2008.


the Real News, a daily newsletter, no advertising, government or corporate funding http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php


Romania – CVM – Cooperation and Verification Mechanism Assessing ongoing progress by Bulgaria and Romania All documents: http://ec.europa.eu/cvm/index_en.htm


Serious Fraud Office (UK) www.sfo.gov.uk http://www.sfo.gov.uk/press-room/latest-press-releases/press-releases-2014/libor-investigation-further-charge-.aspx Press Office: e-mail press-office@sfo.gsi.gov.uk Tel 0207 239 7316/7004/7000

The Serious Fraud Office is an independent government department responsible for investigating and prosecuting serious and complex fraud and corruption. It is headed by the Director, David Green QC, who exercises powers under the superintendence of the Attorney General. These powers are derived from the Criminal Justice Act 1987.



Swiss Money Laundering Reporting Office Switzerland (MROS) http://www.fedpol.admin.ch/content/fedpol/en/home/themen/kriminalitaet/geldwaescherei.html

The Money Laundering Reporting Office Switzerland (MROS) at the Federal Office of Police (fedpol) is Switzerland’s central money laundering office and functions as a relay and filtration point between financial intermediaries and the law enforcement agencies. According to the Money Laundering Act MROS is responsible for receiving and analysing suspicious activity reports in connection with money laundering and, if necessary, forwarding them to the law enforcement agencies.


Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development


The Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development, a consortium of governments and research and advocacy organizations, [see below under Coordinating Committee] focuses on achieving greater transparency in the global financial system for the benefit of developing countries.

Launched by Global Financial Integrity in January 2009, the Task Force advocates for greatly improved transparency and accountability in the global financial system.

The Task Force advocates five priorities – curtailment of mispricing in trade imports and exports; country-by-country accounting of sales, profits, and taxes paid by multinational corporations; confirmation of beneficial ownership in all banking and securities accounts; automatic cross-border exchange of tax information; and harmonization of predicate offenses under anti-money laundering laws – each one focusing on transparency.

Global Financial Integrity, a Washington, DC-based think tank and leader of the Task Force, estimates that the amount of money draining illicitly out of developing countries into western economies is approximately $850 billion to $1 trillion a year. These cross-border funds are generated as the proceeds of a) bribery and theft by government officials (about 3 percent of the global total), b) criminal activity such as drug trading and racketeering (comprising some 30 to 35 percent of the global total), and c) commercial tax evasion accomplished primarily through the mispricing of exports and imports (by far the largest component at about 60 to 65 percent of the global total).

Almost all of these shifts constitute permanent outward transfers. Only a fraction of them return to the countries of origin, and even then only as foreign direct investment. This massive transfer of wealth out of poorer nations is the most damaging economic condition undermining poverty alleviation and sustainable growth efforts in these countries, which are home to 80 percent of the world’s population.

Coordinating Committee http://www.financialtaskforce.org/about/coordinating-committee/

The Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development is a consortium of Governments and NGOs and is guided by a coordinating committee which consists of the following entities:

  1. Christian Aid: http://www.christianaid.org.uk/
  2. Eurodad – European Network on Debt and Development: http://eurodad.org/
  3. Global Financial Integrity*: http://www.gfintegrity.org/ *Global Financial Integrity is the lead coordinating organization in the Task Force
  4. Global Witness: http://www.globalwitness.org/
  5. Tax Justice Network: http://www.taxjustice.nl/
  6. Tax Research LLP: http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/
  7. Transparency International: http://www.transparency.org/
  8. Secretariat of the Leading Group on Innovative Financing for Development: http://leadinggroup.org/rubrique20.html representing the following governments:

o    Algeria

o    Bangladesh

o    Belgium

o    Benin

o    Brazil

o    Burkina Faso

o    Burundi

o    Cambodia

o    Cameroon

o    Cape Verde

o    Central African Republic

o    Chile

o    Congo

o    Cote d’Ivoire

o    Cyprus

o    Djibouti

o    Ethiopia

o    European Commission

o    Finland

o    France

o    Gabon

o    Germany

o    Great Britain

o    Guatemala

o    Guinea

o    Guinea-Bissau

o    Haiti

o    India

o    Italy

o    Japan

o    Jordan

o    Lebanon

o    Liberia

o    Luxembourg

o    Madagascar

o    Mali

o    Mauritania

o    Mauritius

o    Mexico

o    Morocco

o    Mozambique

o    Namibia

o    Nicaragua

o    Niger

o    Nigeria

o    Norway

o    Poland

o    Romania

o    Sao Tome and Principe

o    Saudi Arabia

o    Senegal

o    Sierra Leone

o    South Africa

o    South Korea

o    Spain

o    Togo

o    Uruguay

Observer Countries:

o    Austria

o    China

o    Egypt


Transparency International (Berlin) http://www.transparency.org/

Transparency International is a global network including more than 90 locally established national chapters and chapters-in-formation. These bodies fight corruption in the national arena in a number of ways. They bring together relevant players from government, civil society, business and the media to promote transparency in elections, in public administration, in procurement and in business. TI’s global network of chapters and contacts also use advocacy campaigns to lobby governments to implement anti-corruption reforms.


UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on TRACK against corruption http://www.track.unodc.org/Pages/home.aspx

Welcome to TRACK, the central platform of “Tools and Resources for Anti-Corruption Knowledge” developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

1 September 2011 – UNODC has launched a web-based anti-corruption portal known as TRACK (Tools and Resources for Anti-Corruption Knowledge). The portal features the Legal Library on the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), providing a unique gateway to an electronic database of legislation and jurisprudence relevant to UNCAC from over 175 States systematized in accordance with the requirements of the Convention.The TRACK portal brings together legal and non-legal knowledge on anti-corruption and asset recovery enabling Member States, the anti-corruption community and the general public to access this information in a central location. Information in the Legal Library is searchable by country, by UNCAC article and other criteria such as legal systems and levels of human development.


Whistleblowing / Whistleblowers Public Concern at Work (UK), the whistleblowing charity Making whistleblowing work www.pcaw.org.uk – whistle@pcaw.org.uk ‘Public Concern at Work, the whistleblowing charity, is the leading authority in the field. We aim to protect society by encouraging workplace whistleblowing.

  • We advise individuals with whistleblowing dilemmas at work
  • We support organisations with their whistleblowing arrangements
  • We inform public policy and seek legislative change

Public Concern at Work, 3rd Floor, Bank Chambers,  6-10 Borough High Street,  London SE1 9QQ, UK,  T 0044-020 7404 6609, Email whistle@pcaw.co.uk Web www.pcaw.org.uk

‘Public Concern at Work aims to help make whistleblowing work so that dangers, wrongdoing and serious risks that threaten the public good are deterred or at least detected before serious damage is caused. We pursue this aim through our free confidential advice line, the support and services we provide to organisations, our policy work and our public education activities.  Through these activities we promote the role of whistleblowing in furthering organisational accountability, individual responsibility and public confidence. All our activities help to promote the public interest and are for the public good in that they benefit citizens, consumers, patients, regulators, shareholders, tax payers and the vulnerable, both individually and collectively.

We were closely involved in setting the scope and detail of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA), which provides a framework for the promotion and protection of public interest whistleblowing. We monitor the operation of the Act in the workplace and in the legal system and we promote its approach to corporate and public governance across the UK and abroad.’ See also: www.pcaw.org.uk/whistleblowing-commission If you want to learn more about the Code of Practice and how Public Concern at Work can help you please contact services@pcaw.org.uk or 0044(020)3117 2520.


Whistleblowers UK  http://www.wbuk.org/

Whistleblowers UK run by whistleblowers for whistleblowers. Our Mission: To provide advice and support for those who are considering acting on their conscience. WBUK is strictly a not-for-profit organisation, run entirely by our whistleblower members, with the assistance of our supporters. We seek to help our members and any whistleblower needing help, advice and support. We are not connected, directly or indirectly with any media, or journalistic organisation. For more information see the ‘About Us‘ page. If you need our help then call us on the

WBUK HELPLINE 01302 944 785 ( 01302 WHISTL) or contact us at – helpme@wbuk.org

Whistleblowers Food 140806, whistleblowers food http://www.foodwhistleblower.org/  Transparency Consumers should be able to know where their hard-earned dollars are going. Whether or not the actions of regulatory agencies and industries result in an injury, corporate and government practices shouldn’t violate the trust between the institution and the consumer. False or misleading labeling destroys this trust, but it is a common problem throughout the food production process. If truth and candor were systematic in corporate practice and in the regulatory protocols, the consumer could make an informed decision about purchasing the product. FIC supports the “customer’s right to know.” Food with integrity is food that is raised, manufactured and prepared in compliance with community values and beliefs. Determinations of integrity cannot be made without some degree of transparency. FIC demands transparency in both the activities of the industry and the government agencies charged with regulating the industry. FIC promotes transparency in all arenas of the food system from soil to plate, and works to hold companies and the agencies that oversee them accountable for actions that affect the public.


Whistleblowers (USA) [a legal office, commercial company] http://www.whistleblowerinfo.com/ Who We Are – Our goal at WhistleBlowerInfo.com is to provide the public and our readers with the information needed to file a qui tam, or whistleblower, lawsuit against companies that commit fraud. Through this website, we hope to empower individuals to stand out against these companies and give them the confidence that comes with having a reliable legal team behind them. At Seeger Weiss, we take pride in our track record of success in the court room. – See more at: http://www.whistleblowerinfo.com/who-we-are/#sthash.JfwmVdgY.dpuf


WIN ‘the international whistleblowing network of NGOs working to support and protect workplace whistleblowing around the world. http://whistleblowingnetwork.org

We work in our different countries to protect those who speak up to stop harm and avoid damage to others – too often at great personal cost to themselves.

We have come together to let you know more about how and why we do the work we do, to share the legal expertise and practical knowledge we have built up over many years, and to continue to learn from and support one another and others whenever we can.

Please explore our website and find out where you can get further information on whistleblowing in your own country.  If you are working in the field please request to JOIN in our capacity-building conversation or find out more about NGO membership in the WIN network.’


Wolfsberg Principle


The Wolfsberg Group is an association of eleven global banks, which aims to develop financial services industry standards, and related products, for Know Your Customer, Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing policies.

Bank policy will be to prevent the use of its worldwide operations for criminal purposes. The bank will endeavor to accept only those clients whose source of wealth and funds can be reasonably established to be legitimate. The primary responsibility for this lies with the private banker who sponsors the client for acceptance. Mere fulfillment of internal review procedures does not relieve the private banker of this basic responsibility.

Identification The bank will take reasonable measures to establish the identity of its clients and beneficial owners and will only accept clients when this process has been completed.


World Compliance


WorldCompliance is the leading open source intelligence company dedicated to assisting organizations in identifying politically exposed persons.



101108, some interesting websites

Some interesting websites

Madagascar: BIANCO – Bureau Indépendant anti corruption, www.bianco-mg.org Cadre législatif Loi anti-corruption Décret portant sur la création du BIANCO

Kenya Transparency@tikenya.org, www.tikenya.org

Burkina Faso Réseau National Anti-Corruption Burkina Faso www.renlac.org

South Korea Anti-Corruptie en Civil Rights Commission (ACRC)


Cameroon http://www.ti-cameroon.org/

Public Concern at Work (UK), the whistleblowing charity
Making whistleblowing work
‘Public Concern at Work, the whistleblowing charity, is the leading authority in the field. We aim to protect society by encouraging workplace whistleblowing.

  • We advise individuals with whistleblowing dilemmas at work
  • We support organisations with their whistleblowing arrangements
  • We inform public policy and seek legislative change

Public Concern at Work, 3rd Floor, Bank Chambers,  6-10 Borough High Street,  London SE1 9QQ, UK,  T 0044-020 7404 6609,
Email whistle@pcaw.co.uk Web www.pcaw.org.uk

‘Public Concern at Work aims to help make whistleblowing work so that dangers, wrongdoing and serious risks that threaten the public good are deterred or at least detected before serious damage is caused. We pursue this aim through our free confidential advice line, the support and services we provide to organisations, our policy work and our public education activities.  Through these activities we promote the role of whistleblowing in furthering organisational accountability, individual responsibility and public confidence. All our activities help to promote the public interest and are for the public good in that they benefit citizens, consumers, patients, regulators, shareholders, tax payers and the vulnerable, both individually and collectively.

We were closely involved in setting the scope and detail of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (PIDA), which provides a framework for the promotion and protection of public interest whistleblowing. We monitor the operation of the Act in the workplace and in the legal system and we promote its approach to corporate and public governance across the UK and abroad.’
See also: www.pcaw.org.uk/whistleblowing-commission
If you want to learn more about the Code of Practice and how Public Concern at Work can help you please contact services@pcaw.org.uk or 0044(020)3117 2520.


Whistleblowers UK  http://www.wbuk.org/

Whistleblowers UK run by whistleblowers for whistleblowers. Our Mission: To provide advice and support for those who are considering acting on their conscience.
WBUK is strictly a not-for-profit organisation, run entirely by our whistleblower members, with the assistance of our supporters. We seek to help our members and any whistleblower needing help, advice and support. We are not connected, directly or indirectly with any media, or journalistic organisation. For more information see the ‘About Us‘ page.
If you need our help then call us on the

WBUK HELPLINE 01302 944 785 ( 01302 WHISTL) or contact us at – helpme@wbuk.org

Whistleblowers Food
140806, whistleblowers food
http://www.foodwhistleblower.org/  Transparency
Consumers should be able to know where their hard-earned dollars are going. Whether or not the actions of regulatory agencies and industries result in an injury, corporate and government practices shouldn’t violate the trust between the institution and the consumer. False or misleading labeling destroys this trust, but it is a common problem throughout the food production process. If truth and candor were systematic in corporate practice and in the regulatory protocols, the consumer could make an informed decision about purchasing the product. FIC supports the “customer’s right to know.” Food with integrity is food that is raised, manufactured and prepared in compliance with community values and beliefs. Determinations of integrity cannot be made without some degree of transparency. FIC demands transparency in both the activities of the industry and the government agencies charged with regulating the industry. FIC promotes transparency in all arenas of the food system from soil to plate, and works to hold companies and the agencies that oversee them accountable for actions that affect the public.


Whistleblowers (USA) [a legal office, commercial company]
Who We Are – Our goal at WhistleBlowerInfo.com is to provide the public and our readers with the information needed to file a qui tam, or whistleblower, lawsuit against companies that commit fraud. Through this website, we hope to empower individuals to stand out against these companies and give them the confidence that comes with having a reliable legal team behind them. At Seeger Weiss, we take pride in our track record of success in the court room. – See more at: http://www.whistleblowerinfo.com/who-we-are/#sthash.JfwmVdgY.dpuf



WIN ‘the international whistleblowing network of NGOs working to support and protect workplace whistleblowing around the world.

We work in our different countries to protect those who speak up to stop harm and avoid damage to others – too often at great personal cost to themselves.


We have come together to let you know more about how and why we do the work we do, to share the legal expertise and practical knowledge we have built up over many years, and to continue to learn from and support one another and others whenever we can.

Please explore our website and find out where you can get further information on whistleblowing in your own country.  If you are working in the field please request to JOIN in our capacity-building conversation or find out more about NGO membership in the WIN network.’


Wolfsberg Principle


The Wolfsberg Group is an association of eleven global banks, which aims to develop financial services industry standards, and related products, for Know Your Customer, Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing policies.

Bank policy will be to prevent the use of its worldwide operations for criminal purposes. The bank will endeavor to accept only those clients whose source of wealth and funds can be reasonably established to be legitimate. The primary responsibility for this lies with the private banker who sponsors the client for acceptance. Mere fulfillment of internal review procedures does not relieve the private banker of this basic responsibility.

The bank will take reasonable measures to establish the identity of its clients and beneficial owners and will only accept clients when this process has been completed.


World Compliance


WorldCompliance is the leading open source intelligence company dedicated to assisting organizations in identifying politically exposed persons.



101108, some interesting websites

Some interesting websites



BIANCO – Bureau Indépendant anti corruption


Cadre législatif

Loi anti-corruption

Décret portant sur la création du BIANCO






Burkina Faso

Réseau National Anti-Corruption Burkina Faso



South Korea

Anti-Corruptie en Civil Rights Commission (ACRC)







