Is Nederland nu corrupt of niet? (NRC 3 nov. 2010).
Syndromen van corruptie, boekbespreking (2007). Boek van Michael Johnston.
Lemma Transparency International in: Handbook (2009).
CPI analysis and comments: Ten years of Corruption (Perceptions) Indices (2007).
(2010) Is Nederland nu corrupt of niet? De index van Transparency International
is gebaseerd op percepties, niet op echt onderzoek, het gaat daarbij om
wat de respondenten denken dat de werkelijkheid
rond om hen heen is. Niet om wat zij waarnemen en registreren. De
Nederlandse regering zet zichzelf ten onrechte een pluim op de hoed.
Accountants schatten dat Nederland voor 10 miljard euro smeergeld betaalt.
Toch komt het heel goed weg op de corruptie-index.
Wat is waar, vraagt Michel van Hulten.
(NRC Handelsblad woensdag 3 november 2010, p. 7 opinie)

Syndromen van corruptie, boekbespreking in: Justitiele Verkenningen 7/05 'Ambteljke corruptie' ISSN 0167-5850, van Michael Johnston, Syndromes of corruption, Wealth, Power and Democracy (2005) Cambridge University Press, XIII en 267 p. ISBN 13 978-0-521-85334-7 
Johnston gruwt van de simplificatie dat alle landen in een rangorde naar mate van voorkomen van corruptie geplaatst kunnen worden.


Dr. Michel van Hulten, lemma Transparency International in: Handbook of Transnational Economic Governance Regimes edited by Christian Tietje & Alan Brouder, (Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, LEIDEN • BOSTON 2009, 1073 pages, ChapterTransparency International byMichel van Hulten, p. 243-252, ISBN 978 90 04 16330 0. Copyright 2009 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, the Netherlands.


070131 CPI analysis and comments (final)
Ten years of Corruption (Perceptions) Indices as established by Prof. Dr. Johann Graf Lambsdorff2 (University of Passau) and yearly published by Transparency International in the years 1995-2005
METHODS – RESULTS – WHAT NEXT? An analysis. What went right, what wrong? What can be done to improve this tool?
By Dr. Michel van Hulten, Individual Member of Transparency International, 31 January 2007, 86 pp, ISBN 978-90-811048-2-1

The annual publication (since 1995) of the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) by Transparency International (TI) Secretariat in Berlin, gives the scores of the perceptions which selected observers have of the prevalence of corruption in their countries. They do not report about facts. Moreover, these observers are not at random chosen from whatever universum of respondents. Those contributing are predominantly male, between 25 and 50 years of age, well-paid and expatriate, white collar workers, with diplomas of MBA and similar studies, anglophone. Perceptions of women, poor, locals, blue collar workers, francophone and lusophone, are predominantly missing. The automatic result is that rich countries rank in the top, are perceived as less corrupt, ‘clean’. Poor countries rank at the bottom end of the list. The result is unreliable, unscientific, and should not be used – as is generally done by governments and the media – as a yardstick for the level of corruption in particular countries.  (TI-Berlin has announced that beginning with the CPI of December 2012, it will use another methodology with more reliable results. As soon as this is published such information and comments will become available on this website).



Bibliografie Michel van Hulten, Corruptie (recent 15 years)

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Recent books and articles by Michel van Hulten

(Except for the two books on corruption in Dutch from 2002 and 2011, only English language texts have been listed, also only beginning from 2001).
NGO-Centres and national Governments, a comparative desk research (in particular referring to five countries and organizations in Central Europe (20011115 1 (rev) NGOcentres-Governments, 2nd edition, 90 pages). A study developed while working in 2000-2002 in Slovenia as adviser of the Government (in preparation of accession to EU) on developments in Croatia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, and Slovenia compared with the Dutch NGO National Committee for International Co-operation and Sustainable Development (NCDO), and the Dutch Institute for Care and Welfare International Centre. (NIZW).


December 2002, Corruptie, onbekend, onbemind, alomtegenwoordig, (book, published only in Dutch, title translated: ‘Corruption, unknown, unloved, omnipresent’) Boom uitgeverij Amsterdam, 267 pp., ISBN 90 5352 854 7, NUR 740 160.

(General book on corruption for the informed reader, broad approach).


Invited paper Corruption, unknown, unloved, omnipresent at the Global Forum III on fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity, Seoul (South Korea) 29-31 May 2003, abstract and full text, 14 pages. With an additional page on the taboo-subject of bank-secrets.


Philosophy of the fight against corruption, invited paper for the Prime Minister’s Inspection Board in Turkey. Presented as lecture in a weeklong training course for ‘corruption-fighters’ in the Turkish police force. December 2003.


Security through professionalism, invited paper presented at the Dutch-Slovak conference held in The Hague 5-6 February 2004, to discuss ‘integrity of communautarian importance, the European Code of Police Ethics’.


Turkey diary, Expert mission 2-9 March 2004, 16 p. Technical Assistance to the Civil Society Development Programme, Turkey. Assessment process of future establishment of an NGO Center Foundation in Turkey. Attachment: Turkey mission proposals, 17 p. Civil Society Development in Turkey, need for and possibility of establishing an NGO support facility.
Croatia and the European Union: challenges and possibilities for the local communities, an Introduction, at the Proni Centre for Social Education. Seminar for (representatives of) the local authorities and organizations of citizens, Vodice, May 19-21, 2004.


The validity of the CPI, paper for Dies Oeconomicus VI, University of Passau, on the occasion of 10 years of Corruption Perceptions Index, 6 pages, Passau 23-25 June 2005.


Friendly gestures, lobbying, corruption, a natural progression? What to do? What not to do? Invited paper presented in the Anti-corruption Conference on Counteracting Corruption in Legislative Authorities, Warsaw, Poland, 30 November 2005.


General introduction in conference held in Istanbul organized by Turkish ‘Greens’, Corruption, unknown, unloved, omnipresent. 17 December 2005.
Bank secrets block asset recovery, Workshop on Denial of Safe Haven, Asset Recovery and Extradition.  24-26 April 2006, Shanghai, China, at invitation of Ministry of Supervision.


State and Development of Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity in the Netherlands, 40 pages, a contribution to the work of the Anti-Corruption Team of the Polish Ministry of the Interior. 31 July 2006.


Dimensions of corruption problem, causes of corruption, Consequences of corruption, Introduction in: VNG Training of police-officers from the Czech Republic in Lelystad, the Netherlands, 27 November 2006.


E-book, published on website Ten Years of Corruption (Perceptions) Indices, Methods – Results – What next? An Analysis, 52 pages + 34 pages attachments/ tables, 2007.
Teaching in Moldova Parliamentary Program, CESS Centre for European Security Studies on 19 September 2007.


Manual for beginners in the fight against corruption (originally commissioned by a Czech NGO in collaboration with the Czech Government), rewritten for SAXION and the Government of Cameroon (in 2008), available in Dutch, French and English.


Perception as a cause of corruption, the Cameroon case. Inaugural Lecture as Lector ‘Governance’ at SAXION School of Governance & Law, 7 November 2008, 23 pages, ISBN 978-90-811048-3-8.


Conference Governing good and governing well. ‘The first global dialogue on ethical and effective governance’, participant in workshop ‘Ethics and Effectiveness in performance management’. Free University, Amsterdam, 28 – 30 May 2009, Report.


How ethical is science that knowingly ignores the truth? Paper presented to the EGPA Study Group on Ethics and Integrity of Governance, Malta – 2-5 September, 2009, 9 pages.


Lemma Transparency International in: Handbook of Transnational Economic Governance Regimes, editors Christian Tietje & Alan Brouder, (Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, LEIDEN BOSTON 2009, 1073 pages, Chapter Transparency International by Michel van Hulten, p. 243-252, ISBN 978 90 04 16330 0.


Institutional Renewal in Practice, in Georgia Parliamentary Program, Democratic Oversight of the Security Sector, in the Bazelety Lake Resort Hotel, Tbilisi, Georgia. 18/19 November 2009.


Third Sector as governance instrument in the world, lecture Final Year SAXION, 15 pages, 1 March 2010.


Influence Marketing, final editor of the paper resulting from the Saxion-Tiri/Pien Conference on 8 and 9 April 2010, SAXION, Deventer, the Netherlands, 69 pages, ©SAXION, Michel van Hulten.
Power and Corruption in Cameroon in 2008, paper presented to the Surrey University (UK) conference ‘Corruption in a Globalizing World: Challenge and Change’, in Guildford, 6-7 July 2010.


State of anti-corruption and integrity in the Netherlands, 2010, International & Comparative, book, 128 pages. ISBN 978-90-811048-4-5.

This book documents what observers from their posts in international agencies : UNODC, UN Global Compact, UNCAC, OECD, GRECO, TI, EU, and others, see as the reality which does not conform to the prevailing views held by Dutch politicians and business people concerning their own integrity.


Book: Corruptie, handel in macht en invloed, published in Dutch only by Sdu (the former State Publishing House) title in English: ‘Corruption, trading in power and influence’, 2011, ISBN 978 90 1257323 8, 216 p.

The underlying thesis in this book is that corruption in rich countries differs from corruption in poor countries as it is less characterized by the well-known ‘brown envelopes with banknotes’ as by ‘exchange of power and influence’: – I support you as you support me -.


Co-author of National Integrity System Assessment Netherlands, April 2012, Transparency International Netherlands/ SAXION University of Applied Sciences, lead researcher and author Willeke Slingerland LL.M., 345 pages. This study is the Dutch equivalent of 24 similar studies using the same methodology, written in as many EU-countries commissioned by DG Home of the European Commission. The Dutch report (written in English) is accessible through through → publications → NIS.


Who are CSOs and from where do they gain their legitimacy? University of Surrey workshop paper, final text at 15 June 2012, in the conference: Civil Society Organizations Fighting Corruption: Theory and Practice, Workshop by Faculty of Business Economics and Law, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU 2 7XH. © Michel van Hulten, July 9, 2012.


Nederland – corruptieland in Civis Mundi #13,  donderdag  september 2012 . [Netherlands – corruption land].


The ‘new’ CPI-2012 by TI: scientifically not defendable, it is fake (121226, 25 pages).

Analysis whether the 2012-edition really profited from improvement on the research methodology and technics from the 2011-edition, as was claimed by the TI-secretariat). Clear conclusion: it did not.


Onverantwoord klasseren van ‘corruptheid’ van landen (121205, TI-N and CPI 2012) in Civis Mundi # 16, januari 2013. [‘Irresponsible classification of ‘corruptness’ of countries’].


Civil society organisations’ involvement in drafting, implementing and monitoring anticorruption policies in Romania

Assessment Report (final editor), September 2013, 65 pages. (Available in Romanian and in English).


Reports on work in Romania in Ministry of Regional Development (March-June 2013), Government of Romania to publish.

report 1, Monitoring and Evaluation Report regarding activities, procedures, reporting systems and decision-making structure with vulnerabilities to Corruption, 55 pages. Motto: ‘Whenever there is the need for governmental signatures, there is the possibility of bribing’.
report 2, Guide, Set of recommendations to reduce vulnerabilities to corruption, 35 pages, (Instruments and types of proposed interventions, proposed measures, proposals to modify/create public policies/legislation/procedures and impact analysis).
Motto:‘To be friendly is a gift. Prevent that a gift becomes a vice’).
report 3, Procedure to monitor and report vulnerabilities to and risks of corruption, 36 pages.]


Strategic Parliamentary Policies and Good Governance, lecture in Course for Seniors of the National Assembly Service Commission – NASC in Nigeria, 10 pages, Monday 11th of August 2014, 13.30-15.30, at Institute ‘Clingendael’, The Hague, The Netherlands.


Civil Society Involvement in Drafting, Implementing and Assessing Anticorruption Policies, Best Practices Manual
(HOME/2011/ISEC/AG/FINEC/4000002579). 103 pages, 19 ‘best practices’.
Co-author with group from DGA-Romania (police), CSD (Bulgaria), ‘ExpertGroup’ Romania, SAXION.
With the financial support of the Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme European Commission – Directorate-General Home Affairs. (published 3 October 2014). Available in Romanian and in English.


“Fight against corruption”, lecture in Course for Diplomats from the Eastern Partnership organised for 18 diplomats from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, on Friday 3 July 2015 from 13.30 until 16.15 hrs. at Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’, The Hague, the Netherlands. In English and with power-point presentation. (


Macht (autoriteiten en toezichthouders) en Onmacht (een anonieme oud-politieman ‘Y) , een onderzoeksverslag van 177 pagina’s, geschreven in de periode juli-sept 2015 over een oud-politieman, ontslagen in 2005, en wat hem zoal overkwam tijdens en na dat ontslag bij toezichthouders en beooordelaars in zijn pogen herstel in functie te verkrijgen.


FARE-FREE PUBLIC TRANSPORT (FFPT), Futures: We go one way or another way? Lead author for the conference- document, and keynote speaker at the conference held in Avesta, Sweden, 17-18 September 2015, 137 pages.


Onderzoek politiedoden, recensie en toevoeging. Naar aanleiding van Onderzoek politiedoden onder de loep: verdragsverplichtingen en Nederlandse praktijk door Eveline Thoonen, Promovenda, Radboud Universiteit, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Vaksectie Strafrecht & Criminologie. Junior onderzoeker, ACkenniscentrum. Wilma Duijst, Forensisch arts NFI en GGD IJsselland. Onderzoeker Radboudumc. In:  Cahiers Politiestudies, Jaargang 2015-4, nr. 37, p. 91-115, c Maklu-Uitgevers, ISBN 978-90-466-0724-4.

Een dossieronderzoek naar overlijdensgevallen van personen die ten tijde van hun overlijden van hun vrijheid waren benomen door de Nederlandse politie (2005-2010).

Zie →


Corruption Economy – The rich breed corruption, discussion-article in e-magazine Civis Mundi, 34 pages, 26 October 2016,



In preparation in English: Manual for new corruption fighters. Proposed publishing in 2017.

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