PUBLICATIONS (in English) by Johan Wempe

120731a, Publications in English by Johan Wempe

[see for his full list of publications including the Dutch ones the Dutch part of this site]

  1. Hulten, M. van & J. Wempe, 2008, Corruption, Development Cooperation and Governance, Saxion, Enschede.
  2. Kaptein, M. & Wempe, J. 2002. The Balanced Company: A theory of Corporate Integrity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  3. Wempe, J. and J. Sójka (eds.), 2000. Business Challenging Business Ethics: New Instruments for coping with Diversity in International Business. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
  4.  Wempe, J., 1999. Dealing with Bribery and Corruption. A Management Primer. Shell publication, London.
  5. Wempe, J., 1998. Market & Morality. Business Ethics and the dirty and many hands dilemma. Dissertatie, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Eburon, Delft.
  6. Wempe, J., 2010, Integrative Social Contract Theory and Business Ethics, in: Journal of Business Ethics.
  7. Wempe, J., 2005. Fair Trade? Journal of Business Ethics, Sept.
  8. Kaptein, M., & Wempe, J., 2001. Sustainability Management: balancing and integrating economic, social and environmental responsibilities. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, (1)2: 91-106.
  9.  Kaptein, M., & Wempe, J. 1998. Twelve Gordian knots when developing an organizational code of ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 17: 853-869.
  10. Kaptein, M, & Wempe, J. 1998. The ethics report: a means of sharing responsibility. Business Ethics: A European review, 7(3): 131-139.

Chapters in international books

  1. Wempe, J., 2011, From task to role responsibility. In: A. Tencati e.a., Transatlantic Business Ethics. Oxford: Peter Lang.
  2. Wempe, J., 2010, Chain Responsibility. Collective responsibility of loosely structured organizations. In: Zsolnai, L., The Collaborative Enterprise. Oxford: Peter Lang.
  3. Keijzers, G. & J. Wempe, 2008, Entrepeneurship, Innovation and Sustainability, in: W. Burggraaf, R. Floren & J. Kunst, The Entrepeneur & The Entrepeneurship Cycle, Van Gorkum, Assen.
  4. Wempe, J., 2004. The social role of businesses and the role of the professional. In: M. Korthals and R.J. Bogers, (eds.), Ethics for Life Scientists, Wageningen UR Frontis Series vol. 5, Springer, Dordrecht, 27-39.
  5. Wempe, J. and T. Donaldson, 2004. The Practicality of Pluralism: Redrawing the Simple Picture of Bipolarism and Compliance in Business Ethics. In: G. Brenkert (ed.) Corporate Integrity & Accountability, Sage Publications, London 2004, 24 – 37.
  6. Kaptein, M. & Wempe, J. Ethical dilemmas of corporate functioning. In: Zsolnai, L. (2002). Ethics in the Economy: Handbook of Business Ethics. Oxford: Peter Lang. Pp. 135-150.
  7. Kaptein, M. & Wempe, J. 1999. Working on integrity: differences and similarities between public and private sector organizations. In: Huberts, L.W.J.C., & Heuvel, J.H.J. van den. Integrity at the Public-Private Interface. Shaker Publishing: 113-131.
  8. Wempe, J. and J. Essers, 1994. National legislation versus international competition: the environmental clean-up at Avebe. In: H.J.L. van Luijk en B. Harvey (red.), European cases in Business ethics, Prentice Hall.
  9. Wempe, J., 1992. A moral judgement of company practice: the disaster with the Herald of Free Enterprise.” In: A.W. Musschenga, B. Voorzanger & A. Soeteman (red.), Morality, Worldview and Law. The Idea of a Universal Morality and its Critics, Van Gorcum, Assen/Maastricht, 1992, 323 – 335.
