A value based economy by Arjo Klamer

Doing the right thing A value based economy

Introducing the value based approach:
This book is dedicated to all those seeking another economics for another economy. It is meant to inspire those seeking a good life, a good society or a good organization.
The value based approach is an alternative for the instrumentalist approach that currently prevails. Whereas the latter approach is about the maximization of profit, income, and growth of GDP, the value based approach is about the striving for the highest qualities of life, work, products, organizations and societies.
The value based approach shifts the focus from quantities to qualities.
How to steer for qualities? Read the book.
The value based approach restores elements of the classical tradition in economics, to be found in the works of Aristotle, Thomas Aquino, Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes and, more recently, Deirdre McCloskey.

Go to: → http://www.doingtherightthing.nl/

Professor Arjo Klamer PhD
Chair, Economics of Art and Culture, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
He currently holds the chair of cultural economics at the Erasmus University. Before that he taught at several universities in the US. He also is governor of the town of Hilversum for the Socialist Party. He conducts workshops on the value based approach all over the world. He is past President of the Association of cultural economists.

Contact info
Prof. Dr. Arjo KlamerChair, Economics of Art and Culture, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

  • klamer.nl
  • klamer@eshcc.eur.nl
  • +31 10 4088621
  • 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
    Burg. Oudlaan 50
    3062 PA Rotterdamplease cc Prof. Klamer’s assistant, Yme Brantjes
    when corresponding.

Yme Brantjes Assistant

+31 6 42 71 86 97


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