
Abuse of power is the key to understand corruption which is the socio-economic behavior that contradicts good governance. Corruption is the misuse of entrusted power (acquired by heritage, education, marriage, election, appointment or whatever else) for private gain. It is a sickness in our societies. Any politician, public servant, but also the notary public, team-leaders, administrators, admission-officers to a private school or hospital, organizers of FIFA and Olympic Games, all those accountable for spending on behalf of others, should be integer in their daily behavior.

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  • CPI 2018. When? “2018?”And what about the Gambia? juni 6 2019 - CPI 2018. When? "2018"? And what about The Gambia? Civis Mundi Digitaal #85, June 2019 (I) door Michel van Hulten, Kaunain Rahman “2018”, do the 13 sources of CPI 2018 use the results of data collection in that year? The short answer is ‘NO’. For a full answer we… Read more
