Poverty eradication with continued corruption? World Bank opinion.

Can extreme poverty be eradicated without aggressively attacking the world’s top problem?

Thursday, April 10, 2014,  9:00am – 10:30am

In related recent events, the World Bank has pledged to help eradicate extreme poverty by 2030 and the UN High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons, advising on the post-2015 development agenda, has stressed the importance of leaving no one behind. A recent WIN/Gallup International Poll of 66,806 people in 69 countries identified the world’s top problem as Corruption. How are these related? Extreme poverty cannot be ended without fighting for corruption-free public services and protection for the most vulnerable. Numerous studies have shown the limited success of government-led anti-corruption efforts. Can citizen-led action provide a solution? Can they complement state-led efforts? Are donors, including the World Bank, still committed to support citizen action?

2 responses to “Poverty eradication with continued corruption? World Bank opinion.

  1. I am looking into this problem but do not get the response from colleagues that they have the same or a similar problem. Nevertheless I ask professional advise and hope that this may be corrected. If the problem ends, please send me word that this is the case. That is also helpful for me. Regards, Michel.

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