Sven Giegold is a German politician for the Alliance 90/The Greens party and one of the founding members of Attac Germany. He became a member of the Greens only in 2008, and was elected to the European Parliament in the 2009 elections.
Fight against corruption. Stop Lobbying.Brussels is full of lobbyists. Every day 30,000 lobbyists try to influence 750 parliamentarians, 28 commissioners and their staff. Corporations are spending billions on their public relations and lobby activities. Brussels reveals the bitter truth that influence has become purchasable and equal opportunities is all but a myth.One individual who is standing up to resist this development is the European Parliamentarian Sven Giegold. As rapporteur of the “Report on Transparency, Integrity and Accountability” he is fighting to curb corruption and lobbying in Europe. Sven Giegold versus 30,000 lobbyists: a seemingly hopeless struggle! It is therefore crucial that we show him our full support.Please fill out the questionnaire and send us your proposals by 25th August. Tell Sven Giegold which issues you particularly care about. And at the same time, show him with every filled out questionnaire that he is not the only one who pledges to stand up for more transparency and democracy in Europe.
We have proven that together we can be successful: in the last weeks, the European Commission gave in to pressure from civil society and introduced first improvements. Senior officials are now banned from meeting with lobbyists. But this regulation only applies to 300 people –not even 1% of all employees. That is not enough to put an end to uncontrolled influence of big business over our European politicians!
On the 25th August we will hand over your suggestions to Sven Giegold, so that he can include these in a strong report. Let him know by then what topics are important to you.And save the date for 3rd September, when Sven Giegold will present his report at a conference in Brussels to experts, politicians and citizens (see invitation here).
Sophie von Hatzfeldt
European Campaigns Manager
Democracy InternationalP.S. We can only win the battle against powerful lobbyists if EU politicians like Sven Giegold and civil society representatives like us continue to put pressure. Please support our work with a donation. Thank you!
Sven Giegold, German politician, Member of European Parliament
Sven Giegold
German Politician