The Servant of the People: On the power of integrity in politics and government

2014, E-Book by Muel Kaptein, The Servant of the People: On the power of integrity in politics and government.
140920, Muel Kaptein, Servant of People, September 19, 2014.


Servants of the people, abbreviated to SPs, are all those who hold office in politics and government. The people grant them power under the condition that they serve with integrity. But how do you do that? The free e-book The Servant of the People: On the power of integrity in politics and government offers the necessary concepts, insights and guidelines.
Each of the 95 chapters discusses one of the many facets of integrity, with plenty of positive and negative examples involving different kinds of SPs from different countries. The central message is that integrity has great power over SPs: it can make or break their careers.
Further information is available at.

Muel Kaptein (1969) has worked as an advisor and researcher on integrity since 1991. In his role as a partner at KPMG he works with colleagues to support organizations in the public and private sectors in auditing and improving their integrity. In his role as professor of business ethics and integrity at the Erasmus University Rotterdam he studies the management of integrity, the integrity of management, and the measurement of integrity. He is author of the books Ethics Management (1998), The Balanced Company (2002), The Six Principles for Managing with Integrity (2005), The Living Code (2008), and Workplace Morality (2013).

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